STRANGER: THE WRAP Each of us originates from unique families with diverse beliefs and traditions. These cultural elements deeply influence one’s personalities, becoming integral parts of who we are. They envelop us like invisible wraps that we wear constantly, akin to symbolic headgear. This metaphor underscores how our cultural backgrounds shape our identities and are always present in our lives.
The concept of the house represents once’s traditions, beliefs, and upbringing. Peering through this metaphorical, ‘house’ individuals find reassurance and strength in their identity and convictions, navigating life with a sense of rootedness and assurance
The head enveloped by the house has the comfort of sheltered upbringing, with firm beliefs and traditions influencing once’s perceptions and interactions with the world.
As this person peep through the house, it allows it to navigate challenges with confidence, drawing strength from the deep-seated convictions family represents.
CERAMICS Size 16”/6”/16”
THE URBAN WRAP An urban setting is where one finds oneself surrounded by a throng of people, bustling and teeming with life. The individual who inhabits this space develops a unique physical and mental resilience, shaped by the constant interactions and dynamic energy of the city. The urban dweller adapts to the fast-paced lifestyle, embodying a distinct character and endurance that sets them apart from those in quieter, less crowded areas.
CERAMICS Size ; 17”/15”/19”
HEAD WRAP Carrying house on the head as a headgear implies a deep-seated pride in one's ancestry and roots, viewing them as foundational elements that shape personal identity and worldview.
The family identity over one’s head celebrates the resilience and continuity of cultural legacies, emphasizing the role of each generation in perpetuating and enriching the collective narrative of their family's history
CERAMICS Size 17”/15”/23”